Monday, June 16, 2008

Cream Pops


  • 100 gram flour
  • 50 gram butter
  • 180 cc water
  • 4 eggs (you can use 3 eggyolks and 2 white eggs)

  • 125 gram sugar
  • 75 gram flour
  • 100 cc milk
  • 50 gram butter
  • 2 eggs

  • Water and Butter, cook in low heat.
  • Put and mix flour, then put aside to let it cool.
  • Put egg one by one, and stir.
  • Make dough with the dough ingredients.
  • Put the cream inside the small ball of dough.
  • Put the ball Cream Pops in greased pan.
  • Bake at 180 degree Celcius for about 20 to 30 minutes until brown.
  • Serve when it cool.

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